What can i do for YOU?

Just starting my adventure to own business, I am trying to explore what I can do for the world:)

Here are a few ideas how I might help YOU:

Friendly informative chat
Just realised that you need some help and advice how to live and eat without  GLUTEN, DAIRY, other allergens
I know how tough it could be to search for something that you need in the sea of the information on-line
I can help you to save a LOT of time! 🙂 trust me, been there and know it is hard…
I can share with you great shopping and restaurant tips/fast to make recipes – 30 min to 1 hour chat – in a cafe(central London)/Skype

London sightseeing&culinary tour
Do you have just a a few hours/days in London and want to “take it all”? Best sights/best restaurants and bars – the ones which you would love!
Forget hours of searching on various websites – I will happily make you an itinerary or make a walking tour for you to enjoy the Best of London
OPTION 1: Itinerary plan for London visit – just use a plan and enjoy the city on your own
OPTION 2: Itinerary plan and me as a guide! We will see the best of London!

New food product launch?
Thinking about new product launch? Need ideas, insights and solid marketing plan – I am here to help!

Marketing for a local cafe
Do you need some help and ideas how to increase the profitability and attract more customers to your cafe?
Lets discuss how i can help you: Food menu development/ promotional activity planing/profitability optimisation strategy.

Happy to hear from you!

My contacts:

Part 1: Food trends 2012 (insider info! dig in! hehe)

What people eat, why and how! interesting staff!!!;)


 My view: “FOOD is becoming an obsession really, we have SO many brands, so much info and have the money to spend on it…scary”

 As consumers become more aware of their individual health and nutrition needs, mass mainstream is becoming a collection of mass niches. Our population continues to age, and health-aware seniors are a massive growth market for specifically targeted products, offering benefits from mental acuity to bone health (but without overt targeting being desirable beyond supplements) Kids-specific nutrition is finally going mainstream, giving ambitious parents another way to improve their little ones’ performance and development. And with kids as young as three being able to recognise up to 200 brands, pester power is at an all time high with these young gatekeepers, more informed than ever about what they want, as well as what they should be eating. Pregnant and menopausal women, teens and beyond… the list of age, lifestage and genderdefined niches continues to grow….
Expect to see more functional products designed for the needs of niche lifestage target, but also existing brands and products re-focusing on a specific niche.
 Themes: ‘Moving and circulating’ /‘Food for thought’ /‘Junior brain fuel’/‘A dose of sunshine’ ‘Mum’s little helpers’/ ‘Tween fuel’/‘Deliciously dishy’/ ‘Strong inside’

My view: “Beeing Russian I really don’t understand HOW it is possible not to eat enough veg and fruits…we were always told that it is good for you and i never personally had a problem eating not enough of veg&fruit…to much yes maybe, but never less than 5 a day:)

 Five a day has become ubiquitous, because it’s simple to understand and to remember. But fruit and veg are only one part of a healthy diet, and we’re constantly looking for simple new ways to ensure we’re getting the most out of our diet (just don’t make it too hard). Variety remains the holy grail of a healthy diet, so whether it’s eating the rainbow or aspiring to the Japanese benchmark of 80 different foods per week, we’re constantly looking for inspiration in how to achieve it. And if education isn’t working then mum and big brother are finding clever ways to force a positive change.
Themes: ‘Healthy helpings’/ ‘National health measures’/‘Deliciously on your way’/‘Smuggling and vending’/‘Diets to dig’

The sustainable plate

My view: “Honestly still don’t really get it. Its nice to have but don’t feel that its going to be a big trend globally. Maybe in Europe where there is nothing else to communicate as consumer experienced so many messages already…but not everywhere else…imagine a grandma in Russia beeing told that she needs to buy a sustainable carrot 🙂

 Now that the idea of food miles, and ‘local is better’ is firmly established in the minds of many consumers, their awareness is now turning to the bigger picture and the footprint and ethics created by certain types of foods – seeking the ‘sustainable plate’. Conveniently, a more sustainable diet correlates with a healthier diet as well – with less meat (particularly red meat) and dairy, more sustainable fish, less processed foods and sugars, and more vegetables and pulses. Expect to see awareness of this rising amongst mainstream consumers, and brands stepping up to communicate and innovate around the concept.
Themes: ‘Pyramids to plates’/ ‘Low carbon dining’/ ‘Carbon footprint to carbon toeprint’/‘Meat free motivators’

 The sleep economy
My view: “I LOVE IT! WE need MORE sleep!!! I wonder if in the nearest future we gonna get the same “sleeping hotels” as in china. Pay for 2 hours and get a nice place to sleep during the day! I would pay for a nice sleep….would you?:)”

 Sleep is linked to numerous modern afflictions, including depression, obesity as well as children’s behavioural problems, not to mention good old fashioned energy. The frenetic pace of modern living, and the new world of being always connected, making it harder than ever to switch off (or to find that extra burst of energy when we need it) – which means that sleep is becoming a new valued (and increasingly scarce) commodity. So we’re not sleeping enough, we’re tired all the time, but we still want to suck the marrow out of life and cram it to the full – so we want instant (natural) energy boosts and increased emotional resilience to help us do it.

Themes: ‘The sleepless enemy’/‘Tune out, time out’/‘Sleep to dream’/‘Bedtime snacking’/

Developed by: Dragon Rouge, 1 Craven Hill, London, W2 3EN