Super Easy DETOX to make your LIVER happy!

Sometimes we feel like “aghhh….” like a broken machine, tired, feel bad after eating food, bloated, and the list can go on and on and on. What is the reason? Well, there could be many thyroid issues, gluten sensitivity, etc…

But you can NEVER go wrong with one thing – SUPPORT your LIVER to feel better.

Liver: It is your “factory” for processing all types of toxins and good nutrients in the body, which “arrive” to the liver via blood. Toxins could be as from food and also from environment, and even form the normal metabolic processes in the body. And nutrients come from the food you are eating. So liver, basically, can process both good staff (making it available for the whole body and your heart) and also can be part of the elimination process of the bad staff (toxins) that your body doesn’t need (yep, so you can pop/pee it). Interesting, that at the moment there is no artificial device which could match all the functions which your liver do! So its kinda very very very important to make sure that your liver works well.

So you can see now, that liver is constantly working and it is pretty easy for it to be slightly “clogged” or sometimes it is really in a bad state, which is called “fatty liver”, when the cells of the liver can not filter any more and then they become swollen with fat – which makes a situation pretty dangerous…ANYWAY.

Don’t worry and lets try to see if YOU need some liver support:)

First – some signs that you need a liver cleanse:

  • abdominal bloating
  • after eating you have acid reflux/heartburn
  • pain or discomfort over the liver – (right upper abdominal area under the rib cage)
  • abdominal bloating
  • quite a big round belly
  • trouble digesting fatty foods – your poo is yellowish and is floating
  • you had your gallbladder removed
  • dark spots on the skin (actually sometimes they are called “liver spots”)
  • getting sweaty constantly
  • acne/rosacea or itchy, blotchy skin
  • unexplained weight gain and inability to lose weight even with calorie restriction
  • fatigue
  • mood swings and depression
  • snoring
  • fatty yellowish lumps around eyes.

Now, if you feel like OMG – this is MEEEE. Don’t worry – we can try to get it sorted naturally.

First – try to incorporate some cleansing foods in your diet for the next 2 weeks and try to eliminate environmental toxins (smoking) and some food related toxins (you know I am talking about alcohol and processed foods, right?:) ). Check out this video about 14 foods to clean your liver

Second – Try to go on this Detox for a 1-2 weeks.

Third – Get SLOWLY out of the detox. Introducing first fish for a week, then meat in the next week.

Hope this will make you with reducing your “ahhhhhh” state! xx

Happy girl


Easy Detox:

15 minutes before you are ready to eat breakfast, squeeze the juice of a lemon in a medium glass of hot water and drink it.


-Beetroot juice: 8 ounces. You can take more if you desire but make sure that you take 8 ounces at least.
-Low fat goats cheese: 5 level tablespoonful’s. No more – no less.
-Low sugar fresh fruit (e.g. berries): 1⁄2 pound. You may eat MORE but be sure to eat at least 1⁄2 pound. You can eat only one kind of fruit or you may mix/or you can have a vegetable salad
-Herb tea: 1 cup (if you want). May add a sweetener like  honey, maple syrup (I prefer to have the tea without…but its your choice)

Between breakfast and lunch you should drink all the vegetable juice you can hold. Also eat fresh raw vegetables and berry fruits. The more live food you put down – the more thorough will be the cleansing. Make up a lot of vegetable broth (see recipe). Drink lots of this broth. It is full of minerals.


-Vegetable broth: Drink 2 cups during the meal.
-Salad: Make a chopped salad of fresh raw vegetables. Use a dressing of fresh extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice and amino acids (you may add crushed garlic or apple cider vinegar). Eat at least 8 level tablespoonful’s of salad, more if you desire. Use 4 of the vegetables listed below: Artichokes, Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Celery, Dandelions, Dark Green Lettuce, Endive, Egg Plant, Fresh sweet Corn. Fresh Green peas, Green Peppers, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Lotus, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Parsnips, Pumpkin, Radishes, Spinach, Sprouts, Tomatoes, Turnips. (You may use the leaves or tops also).

Mid afternoon snack: Berry fruit dessert • Herb tea and water

Between lunch and dinner drink all the vegetable juice you desire. Eat all the fresh berry fruit and vegetables you want.


-Vegetable broth: Drink 2 cups during the meal, more if you desire.
-Cooked vegetables: Select 3 or more of the different kind listed above. Eat a generous helping of each. (No potatoes) You may add a tbs. of garlic with lemon or liquid aminos.

If you feel hungry after dinner, eat fresh berry fruits and drink vegetable juice – ALL YOU WANT.


-7 carrots
-1 small bunch of celery – cut fine.
-Big handfull Parsley
-Big handful spinach – cut fine
-3 litres (or slightly less) hot water

Place carrots and celery in water and simmer for 15 minutes. Add parsley and a large spinach. Simmer 10 minutes more. Drain off the juice or broth. Flavour with onion, green peppers or garlic, lemon, amino acids and cayenne. Store in refrigerator. You may add tomato or other vegetable juice for variety of flavour and texture. It can be used hot or cold. The purpose of this broth is to FLUSH. Drink lots of it during the 7 days. It is full of minerals from the vegetables.

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